home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /*
- HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
- Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Important notes:
- - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
- emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
- This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.
- Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com
- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* File: httrack.c subroutines: */
- /* basic authentication: password storage */
- /* Author: Xavier Roche */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- #include "htsbauth.h"
- /* specific definitions */
- #include "htsglobal.h"
- #include "htslib.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "htsnostatic.h"
- /* END specific definitions */
- // gestion des cookie
- // ajoute, dans l'ordre
- // !=0 : erreur
- int cookie_add(t_cookie* cookie,char* cook_name,char* cook_value,char* domain,char* path) {
- char* a=cookie->data;
- char* insert;
- char cook[16384];
- // effacer Èventuel cookie en double
- cookie_del(cookie,cook_name,domain,path);
- if ((int)strlen(cook_value)>1024) return -1; // trop long
- if ((int)strlen(cook_name)>256) return -1; // trop long
- if ((int)strlen(domain)>256) return -1; // trop long
- if ((int)strlen(path)>256) return -1; // trop long
- if ((int)(
- strlen(cookie->data)
- +strlen(cook_value)
- +strlen(cook_name)
- +strlen(domain)
- +strlen(path)
- +256
- ) > cookie->max_len) return -1; // impossible d'ajouter
- insert=a; // insÈrer ici
- while (*a) {
- if ( strlen(cookie_get(a,2)) < strlen(path) ) // long. path (le + long est prioritaire)
- a=cookie->data+strlen(cookie->data); // fin
- else {
- a=strchr(a,'\n'); // prochain champ
- if (a==NULL)
- a=cookie->data+strlen(cookie->data); // fin
- else
- a++;
- while(*a=='\n') a++;
- insert=a; // insÈrer ici
- }
- }
- // construction du cookie
- strcpybuff(cook,domain);
- strcatbuff(cook,"\t");
- strcatbuff(cook,"TRUE");
- strcatbuff(cook,"\t");
- strcatbuff(cook,path);
- strcatbuff(cook,"\t");
- strcatbuff(cook,"FALSE");
- strcatbuff(cook,"\t");
- strcatbuff(cook,"1999999999");
- strcatbuff(cook,"\t");
- strcatbuff(cook,cook_name);
- strcatbuff(cook,"\t");
- strcatbuff(cook,cook_value);
- strcatbuff(cook,"\n");
- if (!( ((int) strlen(cookie->data) + (int) strlen(cook)) < cookie->max_len)) return -1; // impossible d'ajouter
- cookie_insert(insert,cook);
- printf("add_new cookie: name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" domain=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"\n",cook_name,cook_value,domain,path);
- //printf(">>>cook: %s<<<\n",cookie->data);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- // effacer cookie si existe
- int cookie_del(t_cookie* cookie,char* cook_name,char* domain,char* path) {
- char *a,*b;
- b=cookie_find(cookie->data,cook_name,domain,path);
- if (b) {
- a=cookie_nextfield(b);
- cookie_delete(b,(int) (a - b));
- printf("deleted old cookie: %s %s %s\n",cook_name,domain,path);
- #endif
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // rechercher cookie ‡ partir de la position s (par exemple s=cookie.data)
- // renvoie pointeur sur ligne, ou NULL si introuvable
- // path est alignÈ ‡ droite et cook_name peut Ítre vide (chercher alors tout cookie)
- // .doubleclick.net TRUE / FALSE 1999999999 id A
- char* cookie_find(char* s,char* cook_name,char* domain,char* path) {
- char* a=s;
- while (*a) {
- int t;
- if (strnotempty(cook_name)==0)
- t=1; // accepter par dÈfaut
- else
- t=( strcmp(cookie_get(a,5),cook_name)==0 ); // tester si mÍme nom
- if (t) { // mÍme nom ou nom qualconque
- //
- char* chk_dom=cookie_get(a,0); // domaine concernÈ par le cookie
- if ((int) strlen(chk_dom) <= (int) strlen(domain)) {
- if ( strcmp(chk_dom,domain+strlen(domain)-strlen(chk_dom))==0 ) { // mÍme domaine
- //
- char* chk_path=cookie_get(a,2); // chemin concernÈ par le cookie
- if ((int) strlen(chk_path) <= (int) strlen(path)) {
- if (strncmp(path,chk_path,strlen(chk_path))==0 ) { // mÍme chemin
- return a;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- a=cookie_nextfield(a);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- // renvoie prochain champ
- char* cookie_nextfield(char* a) {
- char* b=a;
- a=strchr(a,'\n'); // prochain champ
- if (a==NULL)
- a=b+strlen(b); // fin
- else
- a++;
- while(*a=='\n') a++;
- return a;
- }
- // lire cookies.txt
- // lire Ègalement (Windows seulement) les *@*.txt (cookies IE copiÈs)
- // !=0 : erreur
- int cookie_load(t_cookie* cookie,char* fpath,char* name) {
- cookie->data[0]='\0';
- // Fusionner d'abord les Èventuels cookies IE
- #if HTS_WIN
- {
- WIN32_FIND_DATA find;
- char pth[MAX_PATH + 32];
- strcpybuff(pth,fpath);
- strcatbuff(pth,"*@*.txt");
- h = FindFirstFile(pth,&find);
- do {
- if (!(find.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ))
- if (!(find.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM )) {
- FILE* fp=fopen(fconcat(fpath,find.cFileName),"rb");
- if (fp) {
- char cook_name[256];
- char cook_value[1000];
- char domainpathpath[512];
- //
- char domain[256]; // domaine cookie (.netscape.com)
- char path[256]; // chemin (/)
- int cookie_merged=0;
- linput(fp,cook_name,250);
- if (!feof(fp)) {
- linput(fp,cook_value,250);
- if ( (!feof(fp)) && (strnotempty(cook_value)) ) {
- linput(fp,domainpathpath,500);
- if (strnotempty(domainpathpath)) {
- if (ident_url_absolute(domainpathpath,domain,path)>=0) {
- cookie_add(cookie,cook_name,cook_value,domain,path);
- cookie_merged=1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- if (cookie_merged)
- remove(fconcat(fpath,find.cFileName));
- } // if fp
- }
- } while(FindNextFile(h,&find));
- FindClose(h);
- }
- }
- #endif
- // Ensuite, cookies.txt
- {
- FILE* fp = fopen(fconcat(fpath,name),"rb");
- if (fp) {
- char line[8192];
- while( (!feof(fp)) && (((int) strlen(cookie->data)) < cookie->max_len)) {
- rawlinput(fp,line,8100);
- if (strnotempty(line)) {
- if (strlen(line)<8000) {
- if (line[0]!='#') {
- char domain[256]; // domaine cookie (.netscape.com)
- char path[256]; // chemin (/)
- char cook_name[256]; // nom cookie (MYCOOK)
- char cook_value[8192]; // valeur (ID=toto,S=1234)
- strcpybuff(domain,cookie_get(line,0)); // host
- strcpybuff(path,cookie_get(line,2)); // path
- strcpybuff(cook_name,cookie_get(line,5)); // name
- strcpybuff(cook_value,cookie_get(line,6)); // value
- printf("%s\n",line);
- #endif
- cookie_add(cookie,cook_name,cook_value,domain,path);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- // Ècrire cookies.txt
- // !=0 : erreur
- int cookie_save(t_cookie* cookie,char* name) {
- if (strnotempty(cookie->data)) {
- char line[8192];
- FILE* fp = fopen(fconv(name),"wb");
- if (fp) {
- char* a=cookie->data;
- fprintf(fp,"# HTTrack Website Copier Cookie File"LF"# This file format is compatible with Netscape cookies"LF);
- do {
- a+=binput(a,line,8000);
- fprintf(fp,"%s"LF,line);
- } while(strnotempty(line));
- fclose(fp);
- return 0;
- }
- } else
- return 0;
- return -1;
- }
- // insertion chaine ins avant s
- void cookie_insert(char* s,char* ins) {
- char* buff;
- if (strnotempty(s)==0) { // rien ‡ faire, juste concat
- strcatbuff(s,ins);
- } else {
- buff=(char*) malloct(strlen(s)+2);
- if (buff) {
- strcpybuff(buff,s); // copie temporaire
- strcpybuff(s,ins); // insÈrer
- strcatbuff(s,buff); // copier
- freet(buff);
- }
- }
- }
- // destruction chaine dans s position pos
- void cookie_delete(char* s,int pos) {
- char* buff;
- if (strnotempty(s+pos)==0) { // rien ‡ faire, effacer
- s[0]='\0';
- } else {
- buff=(char*) malloct(strlen(s+pos)+2);
- if (buff) {
- strcpybuff(buff,s+pos); // copie temporaire
- strcpybuff(s,buff); // copier
- freet(buff);
- }
- }
- }
- // renvoie champ param de la chaine cookie_base
- // ex: cookie_get("ceci est<tab>un<tab>exemple",1) renvoi "un"
- char* cookie_get(char* cookie_base,int param) {
- char* buffer;
- //
- char * limit;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(buffer, char, 8192);
- while(*cookie_base=='\n') cookie_base++;
- limit = strchr(cookie_base,'\n');
- if (!limit) limit=cookie_base+strlen(cookie_base);
- if (limit) {
- if (param) {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<param;i++) {
- if (cookie_base) {
- cookie_base=strchr(cookie_base,'\t'); // prochain tab
- if (cookie_base) cookie_base++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (cookie_base) {
- if ( cookie_base < limit) {
- char* a = cookie_base;
- while( (*a) && (*a!='\t') && (*a!='\n')) a++;
- buffer[0]='\0';
- strncatbuff(buffer,cookie_base,(int) (a - cookie_base));
- return buffer;
- } else
- return "";
- } else
- return "";
- } else
- return "";
- }
- // fin cookies
- // -- basic auth --
- /* dÈclarer un rÈpertoire comme possÈdant une authentification propre */
- int bauth_add(t_cookie* cookie,char* adr,char* fil,char* auth) {
- if (cookie) {
- if (!bauth_check(cookie,adr,fil)) { // n'existe pas dÈja
- bauth_chain* chain=&cookie->auth;
- char* prefix=bauth_prefix(adr,fil);
- /* fin de la chaine */
- while(chain->next)
- chain=chain->next;
- chain->next=(bauth_chain*) calloc(sizeof(bauth_chain),1);
- if (chain->next) {
- chain=chain->next;
- chain->next=NULL;
- strcpybuff(chain->auth,auth);
- strcpybuff(chain->prefix,prefix);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* tester adr et fil, et retourner authentification si nÈcessaire */
- /* sinon, retourne NULL */
- char* bauth_check(t_cookie* cookie,char* adr,char* fil) {
- if (cookie) {
- bauth_chain* chain=&cookie->auth;
- char* prefix=bauth_prefix(adr,fil);
- while(chain) {
- if (strnotempty(chain->prefix)) {
- if (strncmp(prefix,chain->prefix,strlen(chain->prefix))==0) {
- return chain->auth;
- }
- }
- chain=chain->next;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- char* bauth_prefix(char* adr,char* fil) {
- char* prefix;
- char* a;
- strcpybuff(prefix,jump_identification(adr));
- strcatbuff(prefix,fil);
- a=strchr(prefix,'?');
- if (a) *a='\0';
- if (strchr(prefix,'/')) {
- a=prefix+strlen(prefix)-1;
- while(*a != '/') a--;
- *(a+1)='\0';
- }
- return prefix;
- }